Virtua Fighter 2 entered the ring on the Saturn in Europe in January 1996.
Cracking soundtrack… but who has the best theme?
➡️➡️🅿️ https://t.co/mbd6qsKf9I#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/5uZfsDm9f4
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) January 26, 2021
Virtua Fighter 2 entered the ring on the Saturn in Europe in January 1996.
Cracking soundtrack… but who has the best theme?
➡️➡️🅿️ https://t.co/mbd6qsKf9I#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/5uZfsDm9f4
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) January 26, 2021
Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future was released on the Dreamcast in Japan 20 years ago today.
How time (and Ecco) flies!#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/HyINrp4CQ8
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) January 25, 2021
Sometimes it's ok to go a little slower. pic.twitter.com/eqEDkdYi3D
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) January 25, 2021
Dynamite Deka, known in the West as Die Hard Arcade, exploded onto the SEGA Saturn in Japan #OnThisDay back in 1997.
Were you any good at the QTEs or did you fumble as much as we did?#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/UZZ791pYQd
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) January 24, 2021
"Now it's up to you!"
Motor racer Super Monaco GP took off on the Mega Drive in January 1991.
Was this one of the first racing games you played?#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/4oR4g1pr7E
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) January 23, 2021