Did anyone out there actually play with the unreleased Sega Genesis VR helmet? What was it like? I don't think I've seen any first-hand accounts! pic.twitter.com/zPEuYd4d8C
— Frank Cifaldi (@frankcifaldi) May 9, 2018
Did you enjoy our Mega Drive book? Imagine something like that, but even better and with 400% more Sega Bass Fishing. Sega Bass Fishing makes everything better. https://t.co/d6Oi2AFkNA pic.twitter.com/kINjG5vjk1
— Read-Only Memory (@ROMvg) May 3, 2018
See what various SEGA developers picked as their favorite games from the SEGA Genesis Classics collection that's arriving on May 29th https://t.co/Fzunw27NZx pic.twitter.com/QIpgz0byO9
— SEGA (@SEGA) May 4, 2018
Looking to get your phone poppin' with some Sonic-style customisation? Look no further than @PopSocketsUK's Sonic selection! https://t.co/U7KriQZaCG#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/aebr2J2AuS
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) May 3, 2018
Last month, someone bought Sonic the Hedgehog 2. For Sega Game Gear. New. At retail. https://t.co/qJtBcekxZQ pic.twitter.com/ukrkPFbqtO
— Polygon (@Polygon) April 28, 2018