Whey hey! SEGA Forever Friday is back! So buckle up and let's have some fun with #CrazyTaxi @SEGAForever… https://t.co/iVyyCK2JpJ
— Genesis VII (@GenesissVII) September 7, 2018
Another Friday, another @SEGAForever title, this time it's one EVERYONE has played, it's Sonic The Hedgehog! So many memories about this one! Come on over and share yours! https://t.co/XRsvQMDfhc #SonicTheHedgehog pic.twitter.com/EwNL3PsnWd
— Genesis VII (@GenesissVII) August 24, 2018
It's Friday! You know what that means, SEGA Forever! This time we take to the Streets…….. OF RAGE! Come on down and reminisce, share your memories!! https://t.co/tQVno0nwDP @SEGAForever #StreetsofRage pic.twitter.com/OwoPdC8nhZ
— Genesis VII (@GenesissVII) August 17, 2018
@SEGAForever Sega has recently begun porting its classic games to mobile formats under the Sega Forever brand, and among the releases is a Genesis favorite, Beyond Oasis. Read our full hands-on and find out if it's worth checking out! https://t.co/scX8dcLOwP pic.twitter.com/exb2y2wl3i
— Sega-16.com (@Sega16) August 16, 2018
Join me in the year 2049 for a little bit of VectorMan! That's right another @SEGAForever title coming your way. Come on over and share your Vectorman memories! https://t.co/MON63ML2gU #VectorMan pic.twitter.com/Ce9AxJyMxy
— Genesis VII (@GenesissVII) August 10, 2018