Cheers to 29 years of collecting rings, diabolical schemes, and saving the world! pic.twitter.com/uGQkm0hHLX
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) June 23, 2020
Cheers to 29 years of collecting rings, diabolical schemes, and saving the world! pic.twitter.com/uGQkm0hHLX
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) June 23, 2020
29 years ago today, Sonic The Hedgehog launched in the US and Europe on the SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive!
Keep on rolling Sonic – on to the next checkpoint!
#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/TJmTQ9b6yl— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) June 23, 2020
Who remembers this li'l guy?#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/qXf6cKHOin
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) June 22, 2020
You did great!
Thank you to everyone who sent their art our way today. We hope you had as much fun making them as we did looking at them! ❤️ https://t.co/RbrmGqh2Iu
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) June 20, 2020
American cover artwork for Guardian Heroes (1996) on the Saturn.
Haven't played it yet? Pick up the 2011 remaster on Xbox 360 and Xbox One!#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/Dv0CTVquc9
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) June 17, 2020