Twenty-five years ago a brave, and lucky bot returned to an Earth ruled by an explosive dictator with uncomfortably-prime abs. This robot deserves his praise for saving the world in a distant time, even if it was only twice. #Vectorman25th@Sega , @SEGAofAmerica , @SEGAForever
— Botics Corp (@Botics_Corp) October 24, 2020
VectorMan launched on the SEGA Genesis in the US 25 years ago today!
This 16-bit release pushed the known boundaries of the hardware. What were your favorite moments?
(Artwork commissioned from @AbelMunizJr)#SEGAForever
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) October 24, 2020
Happy anniversary to @ToeJamandEarl III: Mission to Earth, first released on Xbox in North America 18 years ago today!
Which out of this world character did you take the Anti-Funk on with?
ToeJam… (1/3)#SEGAForever
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) October 23, 2020
That's right y'all!
It's the 18th Anniversary of EVERYONE'S FAVORITE ToeJam & Earl game, ToeJam & Earl III: Mission to Earth, and the debut of our homegirl Latisha!
Our homies over at @SEGAForever took Lamont's time machine all the way back to 2002 to grab these pics. GO SEGA!
— ToeJam & Earl (@toejamandearl) October 23, 2020
Here’s a Sega Joypolis Odaiba pamphlet (from a trip to Tokyo in 2001)! Joypolis centers are amazing, interactive, indoor amusement parks. Have you ever visited one of these incredible Sega amusement centers?#RetroGaming #Sega #Joypolis #Arcade #GoSega #Sega60th @SEGAForever
— Coins ‘n Consoles (@CoinsNConsoles) October 21, 2020