Which werebeast did you enjoy playing as most in Altered Beast?#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/B2t0nMuLvh
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) November 10, 2020
The #XboxSeriesX and #XboxSeriesS launch today! To celebrate, we have written up a list of every #Sonic game that you can play on these next-gen consoles from Day 1!https://t.co/qeoWcw2VOb
— =TSS= ✪ The SONIC Stadium ~ 20 YEARS ~ (@sonicstadium) November 10, 2020
Which Item Box and why? 🤔#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/lqg1xu3gG0
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) November 9, 2020
The Fall leaves are looking so prett–oh no pic.twitter.com/1sIov72Bu1
— Sonic the Hedgehog (@sonic_hedgehog) November 9, 2020
The SEGA CD hit shelves in the US 28 years ago this month!
Known as the Mega-CD in the rest of the world, this hardware was (usually) paired with the Mega Dive/Genesis.
What hardware combo did you have? Have you sampled many of the SEGA CD's titles?#SEGAForever pic.twitter.com/LkZcXWzPfY
— SEGA Forever (@SEGAForever) November 8, 2020